The Perils of Single-Use Plastic: A Threat to Human Health and to the Oceans.

In the modern day and age, single use plastic has become essential for people because of the ease andconvenience, which...

From Trash to Treasure: The AFR Revolution You Never Saw Coming

First published in Time Bulletin. New Delhi (India), November 6: Municipal solid waste (MSW) is a component of legacy garbage,...

Raipur’s Zero Waste Garba Festival: Showcasing a Cleaner Tomorrow

First published in ED Times. In the midst of the jubilant celebrations at Garba events held in various locations, the...

The Monsoon Menace: Navigating Waste Issues during the Rainy Season

The Monsoon Menace: Navigating Waste Issues during the Rainy Season

Introduction The monsoon season brings much-needed relief from scorching heat and water scarcity in many parts of the world. However,...

The Escalating Waste Crisis: How Increasing Population is Exacerbating the Global Waste Problem

The Escalating Waste Crisis: How Increasing Population is Exacerbating the Global Waste Problem

The world’s population is growing at an alarming rate, and with this increase comes a significant problem – the generation...

What are Zero Energy Homes

What are Zero Energy Homes

A zero-energy home is a building that produces enough renewable energy to meet its own annual energy consumption requirements, thus...

वन नेशन, वन चार्जर

वन नेशन, वन चार्जर

भारत सरकार ‘एक देश एक चार्जर’ के नियम पर तेजी से काम कर रही है। भारत में जल्द ही इस...

स्कूल पाठ्यक्रम में कचरा प्रबंधन विषय हो शामिल

स्कूल पाठ्यक्रम में कचरा प्रबंधन विषय हो शामिल

भारत में बढ़ते शहरीकरण और उसके प्रभाव से हमारी निरंतर बदलती जीवन शैली ने आधुनिक समाज के सम्मुख घरेलू तथा...

Substitute of Plastics in Our daily life

Substitute of Plastics in Our daily life

Packaging material accounts for a large portion of municipal solid waste, prompting increased environmental concerns. Despite the Indian government’s progressive...

Know more about Waste Management and its Impact

Know more about Waste Management and its Impact

India has been struggling with devising an efficient waste management system from the grassroots level upwards. Roads are often seen...

Wake-up call: Why we need to work on waste management right away

Wake-up call: Why we need to work on waste management right away

Over the past decade, we have seen multiple campaigns run by both governmental and non-governmental bodies towards curbing the problem...

एकल उपयोग प्लास्टिक पर प्रतिबंध

एकल उपयोग प्लास्टिक पर प्रतिबंध

सरकार ने 1 जुलाई 2022 से सिंगल यूज या एक बार उपयोग होने वाले प्लास्टिक पर प्रतिबंध लगा दिया है।...

Smart Waste Management in Different Industries

Smart Waste Management in Different Industries

Every year, the industrial sector generates more than 7.6 billion tonnes of waste worldwide reason being Industrial waste disposal is...

इलेक्ट्रॉनिक कचरा: वातावरण के लिए एक बढ़ती समस्या

इलेक्ट्रॉनिक कचरा: वातावरण के लिए एक बढ़ती समस्या

इस सदी में, इलेक्ट्रॉनिक कचरा (ई-कचरा) दुनिया भर में गंभीर सार्वजनिक स्वास्थ्य और पर्यावरण के लिए चिंता का विषय बनता...

Bio-mining: India’s solution to the rising landfill problem

Bio-mining: India’s solution to the rising landfill problem

The Union Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs acknowledged that India’s unlined dump yards pose several irreversible environmental damages. Cities...

Unmasking the impact of Municipal Solid Waste across India

Unmasking the impact of Municipal Solid Waste across India

Municipal governments are in charge of managing household waste. Many municipalities have assigned waste management responsibilities to local waste management...

शहरों को हो रहा है लैंडफिल गैसों से नुक़सान।

शहरों को हो रहा है लैंडफिल गैसों से नुक़सान।

लैंडफिल कैसे बनती है ? भारत में शहरी इलाक़ों से उत्पन्न होने वाले कूड़े का 90% कूड़ा लैंडफिल साइटों में...

Extended Producer Responsibility for Plastic Waste Management

According to Central Pollution Control Board, India produces 26000 tons of plastic daily, of which 10000 tons remain uncollected. According...

Plastic Waste Management in 2022

If you are living with your Indian parents, you are most likely to have a large plastic bag stuffed with...

Industrial Waste in India

Industrial waste is unwanted and residual waste produced by industries. This waste is produced from different manufacturing sectors like textiles,...

Waste management technique- Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) gives the sense to waste

The Pilling of waste in landfills has become a serious concern for our environment. People are becoming more aware of...

Managing Municipal Solid Waste- Need of the Hour

Plastics are a fast-growing component of municipal solid trash (MSW). While plastics may be found in all main MSW categories,...

Future scenarios of global plastic waste generation and disposal

Future scenarios of global plastic waste generation and disposal

Over the years, people began to learn about the actual uses of plastics. Also, they get to know how to...

Legacy Waste – An uprising issue

Legacy Waste – An uprising issue

Over decades, our carelessness in exploiting resources, handling them, and implementing incorrect rules resulted in the creation of about 3,159...

Government guidelines promoting Extended Producer Responsibility- A new initiative

Government guidelines promoting Extended Producer Responsibility- A new initiative

With the idea of creating a sustainable environment for the coming generations, extended producer responsibility (EPR) plays an essential role....

Challenges for E-waste Management in India

Challenges for E-waste Management in India

Electronic waste, often known as e-waste, is when any electronic equipment becomes unsuitable for its intended purpose or passes its...