Welcome to Wastech India

With the increasing urbanization and population, waste management is a major global issue that authorities face daily. The unabated production of waste is taking its toll on our environment. Wastech India is a Waste Management Company in India that offers sustainable and responsible waste disposal services to provide feasible and cost-effective waste management solutions leading to curtailed use of non-renewable fuel resources.

Waste Management Company in India

Our Services

EPR is primarily a producer commitment that focuses on the recycling and recovery of post-consumer wastes.
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Plastic is hailed as a scientific marvel since it is versatile, resilient, non-degradable, and inexpensive to create.
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Legacy wastes refer to the kind which has been gathered and stored for years on barren ground
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Municipal solid waste is mostly waste produced by homes, while it also contains certain commercial and industrial
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Waste transportation has significant effects on both the environment and human health.
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Wastech India

Why Choose Us?

We at Wastech India, aspire for a sustainable livelihood by reducing waste through innovative waste management solutions resulting in enhancement of resource recovery.

Our Process


Wastech services include recycling, recovery, and reprocessing of waste materials for use in new products.

Eco System

Wastech's ecosystem is a system consisting of biotic and abiotic components that function together as a unit.


We process the plastic and make it as alternate fuel for energy in plants as end of cycle of plastic.

Avoid Using plastics

We prefer and promote no plastic use. Don't buy plastics. Recycling plastic not only requires large amounts of energy.

Years of Experience
1 +
Our Team
Projects finished
Happy clients
0 +
Years of Experience
1 +
MT Ton Waste Disposed
1 Lakh+
Our Team
Projects finished
Happy clients
0 +

PAN India Network

Pan india network of westech


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