Legacy Waste

Legacy waste dumpsites

Legacy Waste

Legacy wastes refer to the kind which has been gathered and stored for years on barren ground or in a landfill. Legacy waste can be classified into four types:

  • Containment and storage of wastes 
  • Buried garbage
  • Soil and groundwater contamination
  • Waste from contaminated construction materials and buildings

Legacy waste has several consequences, including the release of greenhouse gases, contamination of the entire environment surrounding the dumpsite, and even the possibility of an uncontrollable fire, and so on. Thus, it is very critical to ensure that proper care is taken in this aspect including the fresh waste as well.

In both rural and urban India, Wastech will assist you with waste collection, segregation, transportation, and disposal. For over 5 years, we have been striving for success in achieving each step toward a zero-waste future. Our goal is to meet our client’s expectations in terms of dependability and affordability with the main focus being on the recycling and recovery of post-consumer wastes. Therefore, the effect of harmful waste is decreased by a significant number which is our main motto.