Municipal Solid Waste

Municipal Solid Waste
Municipal solid waste is mostly waste produced by homes, while it also contains certain commercial and industrial waste that is similar in form. Corporate solid waste includes objects we use and subsequently discard, such as product packaging, grass clippings, bottles, furniture, clothing, food scraps, newspapers, appliances, paint, and batteries. As a result, it impacts the health of the people and the surrounding environment.
Municipalities are normally in charge of waste management. They must design a system that is effective and efficient for the residents. Improper municipal solid waste disposal can contaminate the environment thus, a solid waste management system is essential. Wastech with over 5 years’ experience in disposing of over 10,000 MT of waste is collaborating with multiple Urban Local Bodies from various states, which enables us to secure long-term waste management solutions per PWM Rules. Therefore, we are also successful in providing municipalities with an inexpensive and sustainable method of waste management.