Extended producer responsibility EPR

EPR Service

EPR is primarily a producer commitment that focuses on the recycling and recovery of post-consumer wastes. Therefore, it reduces the environmental effect of waste materials. Dealing with garbage may be time-consuming and costly for brand owners/producers. Therefore, we have collaborated with Pros to develop eco-friendly waste management solutions that remove waste from landfills and waterways.

As an EPR service provider, we help with trash collection, segregation, transportation as well as disposal in rural and urban locations across India. We have been pushing ourselves to attain each step towards a zero-waste future for over 5 years. With this wastech have been able to dispose of over 10,000 MT of garbage from various states with our efforts.

The collaboration of multiple Urban Local Bodies from various states has enabled us to secure long-term waste management solutions per PWM Rules. This also helps in providing municipalities with an inexpensive and sustainable method of waste management.

Our comprehensive approach to making the brand more dependable and cost-effective combines the utilization of our substantial logistic capacity. This includes transportation as well, resulting in a better answer to municipalities’ duties. We understand and assess the waste dilemma of ULBs and therefore we play an essential role in the long-term growth of society and the environment by recovering resources through waste disposal to cement factories with co-processing facilities or waste to energy-producing plants.